Circolo Rosselli Milano
Circolo politico - culturale Carlo Rosselli di Milano

Il socialismo

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Data Autore Titolo
2-01-2021 Jairus Banaji The Political Odyssey of Arthur Rosenberg, Germany’s Forgotten Marxist
Arthur Rosenberg was a leading figure in Germany’s Communist movement and a brilliant Marxist historian. Rosenberg’s penetrating analysis of far-right movements, produced in exile after the Nazis seized power, is as relevant as ever today.
4-01-2021 Madoc Cairns R. H. Tawney’s Christian Socialism Was a Moral Crusade Against Capitalism
One of Britain's most influential twentieth-century socialists, R. H. Tawney, is often presented as a moralist opposed to Marxist notions of social change. In fact, his Christian socialism was deeply committed to political transformation — marrying a critique of "devilish" capitalism with the burning desire to create a new Jerusalem.
4-01-2021 Gern-Rainer Horn Rediscovering Europe’s Lost Revolution
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7-01-2021 Sophie Coeuré 1920, congrès de Tours. Le coup de théâtre de Clara Zetkin
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9-01-2021 Dana Mills Sylvia Pankhurst Fought to “Make the Future a Place We Want to Visit”
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14-01-2021 Francisco Soriano Una ribelle americana
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15-01-2021   L'identité socialiste
Découvrir les échanges en vidéo
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15-01-2021 Chris Maisano The Marxism of Leo Panitch
Leo Panitch emphasized three core themes throughout his career: the process of class formation, the key role of political parties in facilitating this process, and the need to transform the state instead of wielding it in its current form. In doing so, he gave the democratic-socialist movement an invaluable trove of resources to change the world with.
18-01-2021 Sean Larson When Germany’s Social Democrats Made a Revolution by Half
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18-01-2021 Alberto Benzoni Massimalismo: una nota su Serrati
19-01-2021   Actualité en histoire politique : Exposition virtuelle sur le Congrès de Tours
Visita la mostra virtuale
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21-01-2021 David Bidussa Storia del Pci e storia d’Italia.
Seguito da testi di Giorgio Amendola, Camilla Ravera e Giacinto Menotti Serrati
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21-01-2021 Giuseppe Provenzano Una vita, una scintilla. Per Emanuele Macaluso
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Presentazione di: “1921. Resoconto di una scissione”

21-01-2021 Tamara Kamatović The Enduring Lessons of Red Vienna
For almost two decades at the start of the twentieth century, Austria's Social Democrats pursued a radical agenda of social progress in the country's capital – even as dark clouds gathered around them.
22-01-2021   Raniero Panzieri. Prima, durante e dopo i «Quaderni rossi»
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23-01-2021 Marco Revelli Maledetta Livorno?
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26-01-2021 Nathalie Brémand Les notions de gratuité, d’obligation scolaire et de laïcité dans les projets d’éducation socialiste de Fourier à Proudhon
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27-01-2021 Marco Cerotto Raniero Panzieri e i «Quaderni rossi»
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23-01-2021 Giuliana Zanelli Giuseppina Cattani, internazionalista e scienziata (1/2)
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24-01-2021 Nicola Mirenzi Alfonso Berardinelli: ”Orwell, un socialista anomalo che non è mai piaciuto a destra né a sinistra”
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30-01-2021 James T. Farrell Remembering ‘Big’ Jim Larkin
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31-01-2021 Giuliana Zanelli Giuseppina Cattani, internazionalista e scienziata (2/2)
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4-02-2021 Silvia Chiletti “Addio Lugano bella” di Massimo Bucciantini
Storie di ribelli, anarchici e lombrosiani, Einaudi, Torino 2020, pp. XVIII – 310, 30 euro
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5-02-2021 Alex De Jong How Anton Pannekoek Planned to Storm the Heavens
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Jean-François Chanet, Marion Fontaine, Emmanuel Jousse
Œuvres De Jaurès Tome 12: penser dans la mêlée
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7-02-2021 Benjamin Schacht Keeping George Orwell on the Left
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9-02-2021   La Commune de Paris
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10-02-2021 Fabio Ciabatti Tra soggetto e oggetto, la classe operaia di Panzieri
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13-02-2021 Jonah Birch The Rise and Fall of French Socialism
France was once the heartland of revolution. Today, its left is battered, and its far right is rising. To understand why, we have to look at François Mitterrand’s socialist government’s turn from radical reform to neoliberal austerity in the 1980s.
14-02-2021 Harrison Fluss Jenny Marx’s Life of Love and Revolution
This Valentine's Day, we remember the revolutionary life of Jenny Marx – a socialist and feminist whose own activity, no less than her relationship with Karl, helped to shape the struggles of her time.
15-02-2021 Eric Blanc The Birth of the Labour Party Has Many Lessons for Socialists Today
American leftists are constantly wrestling with the question of how to relate to the Democratic Party. The history of the UK Labour Party’s formation through a break with the Liberals a century ago is full of lessons for socialists today.
15-02-2021 Madoc Cairns R. H. Tawney’s Ethical Socialism
R. H. Tawney was one of the most influential radicals of 20th century Britain. Today, his ethical socialism is often claimed by moderates – but, unlike them, he was committed to deep social transformation.
9-02-2021 Walter Marossi L'album di famiglia e gli ”scartati”
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14-02-2021 Raniero Panzieri Gli intellettuali di sinistra e i fatti d’Ungheria. Con due saggi inediti di Goffredo Fofi e Cesare Pianciola
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Scarica l'ebook in formato PDF, MOBI, EPUB
22-02-2021 Donal Fallon The Socialism of Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde is known today for his satirical wit and literary accomplishments. But he was also a socialist committed to the fight against oppression and exploitation.
23-02-2021 Jonah Birch The Rise and Fall of the French Left
France was once the heartland of socialism, but today its left is on the retreat and its far-right emboldened. The roots of this malaise lie in François Mitterrand’s turn from radical reform to neoliberal austerity in the 1980s.
24-02-2021 Donald Sassoon Il PCI, le rivoluzioni e il socialismo. Lezione di Donald Sassoon
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26-02-2021 Martyn Rush Tony Benn’s Plan to Democratise Britain – and Abolish the Monarchy
Thirty years ago, Tony Benn's Commonwealth of Britain Bill proposed to transform our democracy by devolving power, guaranteeing social rights and abolishing the monarchy – it's time for today's Left to take up its mantle.
27-02-2021 Geoffrey Robinson The Rise and Fall of Jack Lang, Australia’s Renegade Labor Premier
Jack Lang enjoys a reputation as Australia’s most radical Labor leader. Lang didn’t start off on the party’s left, but he refused to impose austerity measures as New South Wales premier during the Great Depression, leading to a bitter confrontation and Lang’s dismissal from office.
27-02-2021 Michele Prospero Per Marx il fondamento della politica si trova nel cuore del conflitto sociale
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2-03-2021 Alberto Benzoni A cento anni dal congresso di Livorno
4-03-2021 Bärbel Förster No future without memory or, archives require a present
4-03-2021 Kaye Cain-Neilsen The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg was born 150 years ago today. Her letters reveal a revolutionary intellectual who was deeply committed to socialism and defiantly humane.
5-03-2021 Dana Mills The Young Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg was born on this day in 1871. Her socialism was shaped by a deep internationalism – much of which she imbibed from her Jewish upbringing in what was then known as 'Russian Poland.'
5-03-2021 Marcello Musto Happy 150th Birthday, Rosa Luxemburg
One hundred and fifty years ago today, the Polish Marxist thinker and organizer Rosa Luxemburg was born. She is, without question, one of the towering figures in the entire history of the socialist movement.
5-03-2021 Monica Quirico L’aquila della rivoluzione: Rosa Luxemburg a 150 anni dalla nascita
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5-03-2021 Michael Löwy The Internationalism of Rosa Luxemburg
Throughout her political life, Rosa Luxemburg remained committed to an internationalist version of socialism – one which fought for the working-class beyond national boundaries and against imperialism.
5-03-2021 Julia Damphouse How Rosa Luxemburg Taught Worker-Militants to Think Differently
150 years since her birth, Rosa Luxemburg is often remembered more as a martyr than a theorist. But as a teacher at a socialist party school she taught worker-militants to see the world like a Marxist — nurturing the intellectual tools that would let them master their own fate.
8-03-2021 Owen Hatherley When Paris Was Red
In the twentieth century, socialists and communists used municipal power in Paris to build some of Europe's most ambitious social housing projects — housing that was not only beautiful but made for and by the city's working class.
8-03-2021 Chiara Giorgi Lelio Basso and the Missed Opportunities of Italian Socialism
Lelio Basso was a major figure of the postwar Italian left who urged its parties to follow through on their revolutionary programs and avoid subordinating themselves to the ruling Christian Democrats. Italy’s Socialists and Communists should have heeded his advice.
8-03-2021 Melissa Benn Sylvia Pankhurst: The great agitator
We should all be grateful to this doughty, irrepressible woman who battled so hard and sacrificed so much to make the world a tangibly better place.
9-03-2021   Mitterrand - Rocard: La cohabitation socialiste
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15-03-2021 Ed Quish The Cold War Is Over. It’s Time to Appreciate That Eugene Debs Was a Marxist.
For decades, many of Eugene Debs’s admirers have claimed that the socialist leader was a good, patriotic American unsullied by a foreign doctrine like Marxism. But the Cold War is over, and there’s no need to be defensive: Debs was a Marxist who rightly opposed American nationalism.
15-03-2021 Rachel Reeves How Harold Wilson spoke for the whole British nation against vested interests
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16-03-2021 Vincent Streichhahn How Socialist Women Built Feminism for All
In the late 1800s, working-class German women challenged the common sexism in the early socialist movement to assert autonomy – proving that they didn't need fathers, husbands, or rich women to speak for them.
18-03-2021 Sheila Rowbotham The Paris Commune at 150
150 years ago today, in the jaws of defeat in war, a revolutionary militia took over the city of Paris and began an experiment in democratic government – the Commune they built continues to inspire radicals today.
18-03-2021 Marcello Musto L’alternativa possibile della Comune di Parigi
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18-03-2021 Jean-Numa Ducange The Communards Were More Than Just Beautiful Martyrs
150 years since the Paris Commune, the militants who built the world's first working-class government are often commemorated as martyrs rather than taken seriously as revolutionaries. Yet in the years after 1871, socialists sought to draw practical lessons from this experience — and build the organizations that could turn the Commune's promise into lasting social change.
18-03-2021   La scommessa della politica: la Comune di Parigi tra mito ed esperimento di governo
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18-03-2021 Ido Vock After 150 years, the legacy of the Paris Commune continues to divide France
The uprising, long mythologised by the far left, is increasingly becoming part of the national conversation, but not without controversy.
18-03-2021 William Morris William Morris: Why We Celebrate the Paris Commune
Pioneering socialist William Morris on the Paris Commune and its legacy as a "great tragedy which definitely and irrevocably elevated the cause of Socialism."
19-03-2021 Loris Caruso La Comune di Parigi: Marx e il presente
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17-03-2021 Alessandro Berti L'abbandono del marxismo nel PSOE
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Quand la gauche pensait la nation
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5-03-2021 Chiara Paris L’ostinazione del Soviet disobbediente
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16-03-2021 Maria Grazia Meriggi Mesi di pratica e di sogno: i protagonisti anonimi della Comune di Parigi
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R.Lombardi, G.Amendola, U.La Malfa | Incontro Dibattito: "La Situazione Economica"


18-03-2021 Mariuccia Salvati Il «mito» della Comune. Simbolo e esempio per le sinistre
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28-03-2021 Eugene Debs Eugene Debs: “How I Became a Socialist”
In a 1902 article, Eugene V. Debs described his journey from young labor organizer to militant socialist. We reprint it here in full.
29-03-2021 Carlo Formenti Il concetto di nazione. Ovvero, una patata bollente per il marxismo
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3-04-2021 Marco Cerotto Panzieri a Francoforte. E poi subito a Torino
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4-04-2021 Esther Leslie Fire and Blood: Walter Benjamin’s Paris Commune
Walter Benjamin's 'Arcades Project' provides a counter-history of Paris in the 19th century – and offers a vivid portrait of the revolutionary chaos and bloody demise of the Paris Commune.
10-04-2021 Andreas Møller Mulvad Denmark’s Frederik Borgbjerg Wanted to Win Democratic Socialism, Not Just the Welfare State
The Nordic social democracies are rightly praised for their robust welfare states and worker protections. But the aspirations of early Social Democrats like Denmark’s Frederik Borgbjerg went far beyond the welfare state: they wanted to liberate humanity from the shackles of capitalist domination.
25-04-2021 Tommaso Milani Milani on Williamson, 'Europe and the Decline of Social Democracy in Britain'
27-04-2021 Perry Blankson Kwame Nkrumah’s Pan-African Socialism
Kwame Nkrumah, who died on this day in 1972, was a leader in the fight against colonialism. But he knew that independence wasn't enough – only a unified, socialist Africa could truly free itself from its former masters.
30-04-2021 Marco D'Eramo Haymarket, Chicago, 1886. Alle origini della festa dei lavoratori
Quasi nessuno lo ricorda ma la festa dei lavoratori fu istituita a Parigi, nel 1889, per ricordare il martirio degli anarchici di Chicago avvenuto tre anni prima.
Milo Lévy-Bruhl, Benoît Kermoal
À l’échelle humaine, de Léon Blum


1-05-2021   The Cause: Eric Hobsbawm on the History of May Day
5-05-2021 Marcello Musto On His Birthday, Let’s Celebrate the Old Man Karl Marx
Karl Marx’s final years of life are often overlooked as a period of intellectual and physical decline. But his thought remained vibrant to the end, as he addressed political questions that are still relevant to us today.
6-05-2021 Giulio Marcon Il giovane Marx. La radice delle cose
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11-05-2021 Pierre-Emmanuel Guigo Francois Mitterrand en meeting : Grenoble, 16 Avril 1981
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11-05-2021 Frédéric Dabi, Émeric Bréhier, Didier Le Bret Le regard des français sur François Mitterrand
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10 mai 1981 - 40 ans après
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19-05-2021   Histoire de la gauche en quête du pouvoir
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18-05-2021 Gioacchino Toni Comunarde. Storie di donne sulle barricate
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28-05-2021 Enzo Traverso Why the Paris Commune Still Resonates, 150 Years Later
The Paris Commune ended on this day in 1871, after just two months in power. How do we explain, Enzo Traverso asks, the longevity and freshness of the memory of a fleeting revolutionary government?
30-05-2021 Matt McManus Was John Stuart Mill a Socialist?
John Stuart Mill might have lots of libertarian fans, but his idiosyncratic ideas, despite their limitations, had more in common with democratic socialism than pro-capitalist ideologies.
30-05-2021 Ricordare Eugenio Colorni
Venerdì 28 maggio 2021 si è tenuta la commemorazione di Eugenio Colorni.
webinar Eugenio Colorni intellettuale e militante della democrazia


4-06-2021 Michelangelo Ingrassia E alla Camera Bruno Buozzi disse no ai pieni poteri chiesti da Mussolini
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Socialismo riformista e socialismo liberale. Come ripensarli senza mistificazioni
Intervengono: Alberto Benzoni, Rosa Fioravante, Simona Maggiorelli, Mario Ricciardi e Valdo Spini.
Presiede: Francesco Somaini
10-06-2021 Giorgio Panizzi Intervento introduttivo di Giorgio Panizzi
Commemorazione di Giacomo Matteotti tenuta il 10 giugno 2021 a Roma di fronte al monumento
11-06-2021 Eros Barone Alla ricerca dell’alleato: la Agrarfrage di Karl Kautsky
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11-06-2021 Ruth Smeeth The Left and the Jews, the Jews and the Left by David Cesarani – review
(pubblicato da No Pasaran Media)
14-03-2021 Gianfranco Pasquino #Democrazia Futura Dopo il socialismo. Metodo e sostanza @Key4biz
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Socialismo liberale oggi
Meeting tenutosi il 9 giugno 2021 (vai al video su YouTube)

26-03-2021 Giulia Longoni Alle origini del femminismo marxista
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26-03-2021 Eugene Debs Eugene Debs: The Red Flag “Is a Sign of Terror to Every Tyrant”
In 1907, Eugene Debs waxed poetic about the red flag, calling it “a sign of terror to every tyrant” and "the flag of Universal Freedom." We reprint his article here in full.
8-07-2021 Chris Maisano When America’s Red States Were Red
This month marks 120 years since the founding of the Socialist Party of America. The party was especially strong in rural areas like Oklahoma — success that the socialist movement could actually replicate today.
12-07-2021 Liza Featherstone Socialism Has a History — and a Future — in New York City
The three socialists who effectively won election to New York City Council this month have achieved something many would have thought impossible just a few years ago. But they won’t be the first socialists elected to that body.
19-07-2021   “La difficile costruzione di un ideale. Lo sviluppo del socialismo sulla frontiera del Mezzogiorno 1910-1923” di Giuseppe Iglieri
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22-07-2021 Eric Blanc Socialists Should Take the Right Lessons From the Russian Revolution
Socialists have rightly taken inspiration from the Russian Revolution for generations, but many of the lessons drawn from it are wrong for our own time. To make change today, we need to take democratic socialism seriously as a theory and practice.
22-07-2021 Slavoj Žižek Slavoj Žižek: Last Exit to Socialism
Slavoj Žižek writes in Jacobin that today's exploding ecological crises open up a realistic prospect of the final exit of humanity itself. Might socialism be our off-ramp, or is it already too late?
22-07-2021 Mark Engler André Gorz’s Non-Reformist Reforms Show How We Can Transform the World Today
In the 1960s, radical thinker André Gorz developed a novel concept that went beyond the tired reform versus revolution debate. With non-reformist reforms, popular movements can win immediate gains that shift power away from elites — and clear the way for more radical transformations.
25-07-2021 Richard Johnson Before Jeremy Corbyn, There Was Michael Foot
Michael Foot was a giant of Labour Party politics. The attempts by Labour centrists to diminish his legacy after his death only reveal the extent to which his socialism, like that of Jeremy Corbyn, threatened the British establishment.
29-07-2021 Valdo Spini Cattolici e socialisti: un altro capitolo della cultura del dialogo
9-08-2020 David Broder How Socialists Invented the Summer Holiday
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5-08-2021 Friedrich Engels Friedrich Engels on Social Murder
Revolutionary socialist Friedrich Engels died on this day in 1895, after spending much of his life in England – and writing on the suffering inherent in its capitalist system.
16-08-2021 Bollettino Culturale O’Connor: tra Marx e Polanyi per unire "rosso" e "verde"
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5-09-2021 Eugenia Russell Remembering Mikis Theodorakis
Legendary Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis died last week aged 96. He spent a lifetime struggling against fascism and dictatorship – and for a socialist future that would give full expression to human creativity.
8-09-2021 Sandro Moiso L’anno degli anniversari / 1871-2021: Comune di Parigi
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9-09-2021 David Bidussa Karl Marx di Isaiah Berlin: «un po’ riccio, un po’ volpe»
«Karl Marx» è l’unica monografia di Isaiah Berlin, noto soprattutto per i suoi saggi brevi, un tipo di scrittura che ha “fatto scuola”, dopo di lui.
12-09-2021 Tomás Moulian Salvador Allende Was Overthrown Because His Government Showed Chile Could Be Transformed
This weekend marks the 48th anniversary of the US-backed coup against Chilean socialist president Salvador Allende. That coup’s history is important, but we can’t forget that Allende’s government also achieved incredible things while in power.
13-09-2021 Tom Blackburn The ‘Kinnock Moment’ Myth
In the run-up to party conference, Labour right-wingers are salivating at the prospect of another public war on the Left – but Neil Kinnock's actual record as leader demonstrates why that is a dead end.
13-09-2021 Leonard Harrison The Radical Internationalism of Konni Zilliacus
Labour MP Konni Zilliacus, who was born on this day in 1894, was an impassioned fighter for socialism and liberation across the world – a fight he believed was necessary to end the scourge of war.
15-09-2021 Ilaria Romeo L'addio di Fernando Santi: «Chi attenta ai diritti dei lavoratori, attenta alle basi stesse del nostro ordinamento democratico»
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15-09-2021 Monica Quirino Olof Palme: un socialdemocratico anomalo
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16-09-2021 Jennifer Doyle The Feminist Vision of Friedrich Engels
In his book The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State, Friedrich Engels linked the “world-historical defeat of the female sex” to the rise of class exploitation. Engels helped lay the foundations for a Marxist understanding of women's oppression.
16-09-2021 Shawn Gude What Eugene Debs and the Socialist Party Can Teach Us About Freedom
Jeff Bezos wants us to believe that allowing billionaires to wield enormous power makes us all better off. Eugene Debs and the Socialist Party, founded 120 years ago this summer, had a very different vision for society: one of empowered workers and freedom from domination.
18-09-2021 Marcello Musto, Nicolas Allen Il vecchio Karl
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24-09-2021 Frank Deppe The Marxist Who Saw the Fall of the German Left
The postwar German left has had a lot of ups and downs — and leading Marxist political scientist Frank Deppe was there for most of them. On his 80th birthday, he spoke to Jacobin about the need to root left-wing politics in the changed realities of the modern working class.
24-09-2021 Frank Deppe The Revolutionary Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg is an icon of the socialist movement who died a martyr’s death in 1919. But she was also a brilliant and highly original political thinker whose ideas about capitalism and how to oppose it are strikingly relevant to today’s world.
27-09-2021   Giuseppe Di Vagno, primo parlamentare vittima del fascismo
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Guarda il video: Lutto di civiltà. Il cortometraggio di Ferrandini sull'assassinio dell'on. Giuseppe Di Vagno

2-10-2021 Joel Geier Socialists Organized in the 1950s Civil Rights Movement
In 1950s America, the Cold War was raging, but socialists were playing key roles in the early civil rights movement. We can't afford to let that radical history be sanitized.
6-10-2021 Richard Johnson The Resilient Radicalism of Barbara Castle
Born on this day in 1910, Barbara Castle became an icon of the labour movement – and a thorn in the side of those outside and inside her Party who sought to suppress her unabashed socialist politics.

Istoire globale des socialismes, XIXE-XXIE siècle
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16-10-2021 Andrea Hasenbank How canadian socialists built a working-class print culture during the great depression
A half century before punk claimed ownership of zine culture, socialists and communists were radicalizing working-class culture through small publications. In Canada, during the turmoil of the Depression, print media was integral to the survival of the Left.
20-10-2021 Eugene V. Debs How Eugene Debs became a socialist
In 1902, iconic American leader Eugene V. Debs wrote about his journey from moderate labour organiser to militant socialist. To mark the 95th anniversary of his death, we republish his words.
29-10-2021 Fortunato M. Cacciatore Note su lotte di classe, nazione e internazionalismo in Engels e Marx
A partire da un libro di Domenico Losurdo
29-10-2021 Paolo Favilli Socialismo. Necessario e impossibile?
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1-11-2021 Marzia Maccaferri How Antonio Gramsci’s ideas went global
Antonio Gramsci was twentieth-century Italy’s greatest intellectual. Fifty years ago, the English translation of Selections from the Prison Notebooks allowed his unorthodox Marxism to spread worldwide.
3-11-2021 Jennie Lee Jennie Lee’s Scottish Socialism
Scottish Labour politician Jennie Lee was born on this day in 1904. Inspired by her family's mining history, she spent her life fighting for working people – a fight which included co-founding Tribune.
22-11-2021 Ferdinando Leonzio Donne del socialismo - Melina Mercouri
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27-11-2021 Fabio Ciabatti L’opera aperta di Marx: un pensiero della totalità che non si fa sistema
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1-12-2021 Jacopo Perazzoli Tommaso Fiore dall'azionismo al socialismo, tra caduta del fascismo e consolidamento della Repubblica
(tratto da Cantieri Azionisti del 19-05-2016)
1-12-2021 Anne Colamosca The Fight for Italian Reunification Inspired the International Left
The first meeting of the Italian parliament in Rome, 150 years ago today, was a symbolic show of national reunification. Yet the battle against foreign domination had raised sharply contrasting ideas of the future Italy — leaving a lasting impact on socialists worldwide.
1-12-2021 Centro Studi Piero Gobetti Norberto Bobbio. Tra socialismo, liberalsocialismo e socialismo liberale
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1-12-2021 Marco Cerotto Una riflessione su Panzieri e Tronti
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24-12-2021 Tom Banbury When Sunday Schools Taught Socialism
The end of the nineteenth century saw the birth of an important but little-known movement in British working-class history: Sunday schools dedicated to teaching the values of socialism.