Circolo Rosselli Milano
Circolo politico - culturale Carlo Rosselli di Milano

Il socialismo

Anni precedenti: 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 |

Data Autore Titolo
21-12-2019 Ferdinando Leonzio L'Unione Socialista Indipendente
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26-12-2019 Adam J Sacks Socialism Is for Humanity
27-12-2019 Jeffery R. Webber E. P. Thompson’s Romantic Marxism
27-12-2019 Marco Palazzotto Rosa Luxemburg critica dell’economia politica
28-12-2019 Claudio Giunta La politica dei sentimenti (Il Foglio Quotidiano)
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30-12-2019 Tim Shenk A Marxist in Keynes’ Court
31-12-2019 Giampiero Mughini La “Bibliografia di Bettino Craxi”, linea Maginot del riformismo socialista
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10-01-2020 Marco Veruggio Se l’attualità di Marx inquieta i liberali…
15-01-2020 Ines Schwerdtner Rosa Luxemburg was killed on this day in 1919. We remember her contributions to socialism.
16-01-2020 Anselm Jappe Karl Marx sul populismo contemporaneo
(tratto da blackblog francosenia)
18-01-2020 Marcello Mustè Da Labriola a Gramsci, quel marxismo che ha saputo essere originale
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18-01-2020 Sergio Brenna Sergio Brenna sul libro di Michele Achilli
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19-01-2020 Gianfranco Pasquino Le promesse e le scommesse @Mondoperaio #Craxi
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20-01-2020 Mattia Gambilonghi Gino Giugni teorico della democrazia industriale
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26-01-2020 Ferdinando Leonzio Unità popolare
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29-01-2020   Il grande discorso di Sandro Pertini contro le Brigate Rosse
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31-01-2020   Gioventù rivoluzionaria. Bordiga, Gramsci, Mussolini e i giovani socialisti nell’Italia liberale di Luca Gorgolini
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4-02-2020 Italo Nobile Craxi, il capitalismo italiano e l’elitarismo laico
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7-02-2020 Carlo Tognoli Il padre del socialismo italiano
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8-02-2020 Walter Marossi Centrosinistra a Milano, la svolta del '60
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15-02-2020 Paolo Ciofi Paolo Ciofi. Universalità e diversità dei socialismi. La conquista storica della Costituzione italiana
16-02-2020 Eros Barone «Herr Vogt»: una battaglia di Marx poco nota (e quasi sempre fraintesa)
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19-02-2020 Sandro Moiso O tutto o nulla. I vecchi, i giovani, la guerra e la rivoluzione
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14-02-2020 David Bidussa Willy Brandt e il rapporto Nord-Sud
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21-02-2020 Harold Laski Labour and the Communist Manifesto
22-02-2020 Walter Marossi Roberto Tremelloni. Un politico milanese
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24-02-2020 Ferdinando Leonzio Il partito sardo d'azione socialista
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27-02-2020 Donatella Alfonso, Federico Croci, Fabrizio Loreto Il sindaco tranviere
Antifascismo, socialismo, sindacato e istituzioni: la vita e il progetto di Fulvio Cerofolini
27-02-2020   Turati e Kuliscioff, due vite una passione
RAI Play - Passato e Presente, stagione 2019-2020
28-02-2020 Daniel Suhonen The Last Social Democrat
Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme was assassinated on this day in 1986. He was the last social democratic leader to really believe in a world beyond capitalism.
28-02-2020 Anton Ösgård Olof Palme Was an Internationalist Hero
From South Africa’s ANC to Chilean socialists, in the 1970s, liberation movements around the world had few greater allies than Swedish prime minister Olof Palme. He used high office to speak out for the oppressed abroad — and to build an internationalist movement in his homeland.
28-02-2020 Kristen R. Ghodsee Socialists Have Long Fought for Women’s Liberation
Socialist men can be important organizers in the struggle for both workers’ rights and women’s emancipation. Nowhere is that seen more clearly than in the life of German socialist August Bebel, who did more to win women's rights than any other nineteenth-century politician.
1-03-2020 Aneurin Bevan Tides of History
In 1959, after Labour had suffered three consecutive election defeats, Nye Bevan made a defiant conference speech in defence of socialism. We republish that speech today.
6-03-2020 Mike Gonzalez The Discovery of Marxism: Mariátegui in Italy.
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7-03-2020 Cintia Frencia The Socialist Roots of International Women’s Day
International Women's Day was developed as a celebration of working-class women and their contribution to the struggle against capitalism.
7-03-2020 Toni Gilpin The Labor Movement Needs to Learn Its History
With union membership at record lows, we need to look to the past to dig ourselves out of the present. The radical-led Farm Equipment Workers Union, which fought for shop-floor democracy and racial equality, is a guide.
8-03-2020 Alessandro Giacone Giovanni Pieraccini nel socialismo riformista italiano
(Quaderni del Circolo Rosselli)
9-03-2020 Tom Blackburn Social Democracy by the Back Door: Europe and the Labour Party
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12-03-2020 Riccardo Bellofiore Rosa Luxemburg, teorica marxiana dell’economia e della politica
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15-03-2020 Tom O'Shea The Socialist Republic
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17-03-2020   Histoire@Politique n° 13 - janvier-avril 2011
Politique, culture, société
Revue életronique du Centre d'histoire de Science Po
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20-03-2020 John Foot Un pacifista intransigente
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21-03-2020 David Bidussa La sinistra italiana e gli ebrei. Ma anche gli altri
21-03-2020   György Lukács: Su Togliatti, il marxismo e lo stato socialista
(Da Lukács parla. Interviste (1963-1971), a cura di A. Infranca, Edizioni Punto Rosso, Milano 2019)
22-03-2020   Il movimento unitario di iniziativa socialista (1959)
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23-03-2020 Luigi Pandolfi Il socialismo del XXI secolo di B. Sunkara e l’esperienza jugoslava
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26-03-2020 Andrea Scisci La prassi liberale del socialismo. L'influenza di Mario Missiroli sul pensiero di Piero Gobetti e Carlo Rosselli
(tesi di laurea di Andrea Scisci - Corso di laurea in Scienze politiche e di governo)
30-03-2020   Elena PAPADIA, La forza dei sentimenti. Anarchici e socialisti in Italia (1870-1900)
(recensione del libro, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019, 280 pp. - A cura di Giorgio Sacchetti)
30-03-2020 Milo Lévy-Bruhl Léon Blum «inactuel»: les juifs, la république et le socialisme
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30-03-2020 Carlo Tognoli Turati, il padre del socialismo italiano
31-03-2020 Frank-Olivier Ressources bibliographiques: l'histoire du socialisme à travers la presse
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2-04-2020   Mostra virtuale su Vittoria Nenni
Guarda la mostra online
3-04-2020 Leo Panitch Tony Benn Spent His Life Fighting for Democracy and Socialism
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3-04-2020 John Foot La donna che ci ha svegliate
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13-04-2020 Luciano Pellicani Eclissi o tramonto dell'idea socialista?
(Libera Università degli Studi Sociale, Roma - Working Paper n. 85 - Barcellona 1994)
16-04-2020 Paolo Flores d'Arcais #IoRestoaCasa e leggo un classico: Il giovane Marx critico di Hegel presentato da Paolo Flores d’Arcais
(tratto dal blog MicroMega)
17-04-2020 John Foot Un avvocato per gli operai
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23-04-2020 E. P. Thompson An English Revolutionary
On St. George's Day, we republish E. P. Thompson's essay on the life and politics of William Morris – an English revolutionary and the greatest moral critic of capitalism of his age.
24-04-2020 John Foot Il gigante buono
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25-04-2020 Massimiliano Amato Il Maresciallo Rosso salvò Pertini e Saragat poi visse a Salerno
(tratto dal giornale Il Quotidiano del Sud)
25-04-2020   Due banchieri nella resistenza romana
Raffaele Mattioli e Stefano Siglienti
25-04-2020 Jaka Makuc “Un anno e mezzo di dominazione fascista” di Giacomo Matteotti
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25-04-2020 RAI Play Pertini, il presidente partigiano
25 aprile, Pertini parla a Milano per l'anniversario della liberazione - 1973
Il 25 aprile 1973 Sandro Pertini, l'ex partigiano divenuto ormai presidente della Camera dei deputati, parla ai cittadini riuniti in Piazza del Duomo a Milano così come aveva fatto esattamente ventotto anni prima, in occasione del comizio per la liberazione della città dal nazifascismo.
29-04-2020 Jack Zipes Ernst Bloch and the Philosophy of Hope
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1-05-2020 Rosa Luxemburg Rosa Luxemburg on the Meaning of May Day
”As long as the struggle of the workers against the ruling class continues, May Day will be the yearly expression of our demands.” Rosa Luxemburg on the meaning of International Workers' Day.
5-05-2020 David Harvey Why Marx Still Matters
Karl Marx was born on this day in 1818. His work remains as relevant as ever.
9-05-2020 Marcello Mustè Alle origini del marxismo: la ricerca originale di Gian Mario Bravo
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13-05-2020 Fabrizio Ferrari Bonaventura Ferrazzutto, una vita per la libertà e l’antifascismo
15-05-2020 Nail Davidson Eric Hobsbawm’s Marxism Was Central to His Work as a Historian
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16-05-2020 Michael Burawoy Storia di due marxismi: in ricordo di Erik Olin Wright
Un saggio, due autori: attrezzi per leggere il presente e per trasformarlo
17-05-2020 Jon Burke Bevan in a Time of Coronavirus
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21-05-2020 Ferdinando Leonzio Il movimento dei socialisti autonomi
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23-05-2020 Paul Prescod You Should Know More About A. Philip Randolph, One of America’s Greatest Socialists
As the Left attempts to chart a new course in the wake of the Bernie Sanders campaign, there’s no better time to learn from America’s most underrated socialist, labor leader, and civil rights legend, A. Philip Randolph.

Lelio Basso, il senso di una passione politica


Lelio Basso ed il terzo articolo della Costituzione Italiana - l'uguaglianza

25-05-2020 Socialist Party of America The St. Louis Proclamation
Unlike their European counterparts, the Socialist Party of America stood firm against World War I, refusing to give in to the siren song of nationalism. Here, in honor of Memorial Day, we reprint in full their 1917 antiwar proclamation insisting that "the working class of the United States has no quarrel with the working class of any other country."
25-05-2020 Włodek Goldkorn I CLASSICI DI MICROMEGA: ”La rivoluzione russa. Le cause di una sconfitta” di Emma Goldman presentato da Włodek Goldkorn
(tratto dal blog MicroMega)
31-05-2020   ”Rifare l'Italia!” L'attualità dell'intervento di Filuppo Turati alla Camera il 26 giugno 1920
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2-06-2020 Brendan McGeever How Jewish Socialists Fought to Stop the Pogroms of the Russian Civil War
The Civil War of 1917–21 brought the third wave of pogroms in the former Russian Empire, mostly perpetrated by the counterrevolutionary forces. But even some Red Army units committed antisemitic atrocities — and independent Jewish socialists played a decisive role in forcing the Soviet state to stop them.
27-04-2020 Andrea Alba Maria Giudice, il ritratto di una donna straordinaria
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6-06-2020 Walter Marossi L'assessore dimenticato
Storia dell'assessore e teorico milanese Alessandro Schiavi
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13-06-2020 Diego Giachetti Il lungo viaggio di Lucio Libertini nella sinistra italiana
Storia dell'assessore e teorico milanese Alessandro Schiavi
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16-06-2020 Eugene Debs Eugene Debs’s Statement to the Court
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21-06-2020 Marcello Mustè Quanto Marx nel concetto d’egemonia, leggere Gramsci oggi
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2-06-2020 Tamara Kamatovic How Vienna’s Socialist City Hall Put Children at the Heart of the Welfare State
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23-06-2020 Walter Marossi Milano anni 50: il sindaco rimosso
Memorie degli anni della ricostruzione
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26-06-2020 David Bidussa “Rifare l'Italia”. Perché Filippo Turati ci riguarda ancora 100 anni dopo
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27-06-2020 Nico Maccentelli Marx ai tempi di Marx
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30-06-2020 Richard Johnson A Constitutional Socialist
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1-07-2020 Matt Bevington The return to Bevinite principles in a new era of Labour foreign policy
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2-07-2020 David Lane Book Review: Searching for Socialism: The Project of the Labour New Left from Benn to Corbyn by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys
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4-07-2020 Eugene Debs Eugene Debs’s Independence Day Address
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5-07-2020 Aneurin Bevan Aneurin Bevan on the Socialist Ambitions of the NHS
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19-07-2020   Carte della direzione nazionale del partito socialista italiano
Inventario a cura di Cristina Saggioro e Sebastian Mattei
21-07-2020 Benjamin Balthaser The Forgotten History of the Jewish, Anti-Zionist Left
The roots of modern Zionism are in colonialism. This was the foundation of the Jewish left’s opposition to Zionism in the 1930s and ’40s, on the grounds that it is a form of right-wing nationalism and imperialism that is fundamentally opposed to working-class internationalism.
8-07-2020 Michela Becchis Anna Kuliscioff, la questione femminile alla prova dei «rapporti di classe»
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27-07-2020 Eros Barone Quel ‘vilain’ di Friedrich Engels
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28-07-2020 Vincenzo Carriero Riccardo Lombardi e l’alternativa socialista
28-07-2020 Ferdinando Leonzio MIDAS ´76 (Da DE MARTINO a CRAXI)
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30-07-2020 Alberto Saibene Addio Lugano bella
Addio Lugano bella (Einaudi, 2020) completa la trilogia che Massimo Bucciantini considera “tre capitoli di un unico libro”. Assieme a Campo dei fiori, dedicato alle vicissitudini della statua di Galileo a Roma, e a Un Galileo a Milano
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3-08-2020 Nick Thomas-Symonds In the age of coronavirus, we should look again at how Britain was rebuilt after 1945
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4-08-2020 GDH Cole From the NS archive: English Socialism
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5-08-2020 John Newsinger - Seán Byers Friedrich Engels and the Irish Lever
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10-08-2020 Adam J Sacks How Socialists Won Our Democratic Rights
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12-08-2020 Marco Bresciani Il socialismo, gli intellettuali e l'Europa postbellica: il viaggio di Tony Judt tra il tempo e lo spazio
15-08-2020 Adam J Sacks Socialists Fought For and Won Our Basic Democratic Rights
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15-08-2020 Keir Hardie Keir Hardie: Marx, the Man and His Message
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15-08-2020 John E. King Rudolf Hilferding and the Austrian School of Anti-Capitalism
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22-08-2020 Matt Mcmanus Why Conservatives Get Karl Marx Very, Very Wrong
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24-08-2020 Nicolas Allen José Carlos Mariátegui’s Indo-American Socialism
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28-08-2020 Tim Davenport The Young Eugene V. Debs
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30-08-2020 Pauline Bryan The Revolutionary Life of Sylvia Pankhurst
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9-07-2020 Giovanni Roggia François Mitterrand et l’Europe de l’Est, 1989-1992.
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2-09-2020 Shawn Gude Eugene Debs Believed in Socialism Because He Believed in Democracy
Eugene Debs’s unswerving commitment to democracy and internationalism was born out of his revulsion at the tyranny of industrial capitalism. We should carry forth that Debsian vision today — by recognizing that class struggle is the precondition for winning a more democratic world.
3-09-2020 Juan Somavía Salvador Allende: respect for the world
When Salvador Allende entered the General Assembly of the United Nations, a very exceptional thing happened: there was huge, spontaneous applause from the delegates, who rose to their feet. At the end of his speech, the president of Chile was again cheered at length with a persistent standing ovation. This only happened once again, with Nelson Mandela, after his release.
8-08-2020 Andrea Millefiorini Il socialismo liberale di Luciano Pellicani
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4-09-2020 Marian Schlotterbeck Salvador Allende’s Brief Experiment in Radical Democracy in Chile Began 50 Years Ago Today
Socialist leader Salvador Allende became Chile’s president fifty years ago today. Allende’s election inaugurated a unique experiment in radical democracy that was cut short by Augusto Pinochet’s brutal US-backed coup.
4-09-2020 Marian Schlotterbeck The Rise of Allende
Fifty years ago today, socialist leader Salvador Allende was elected president of Chile. His government unleashed a wave of hope that a more democratic society was possible – and worth fighting for.
4-09-2020 Jerome Roos The anarchist: How David Graeber became the left's most influential thinker
The anthropologist and best-selling author will be remembered for a life spent fighting for a freer, more joyous and egalitarian world.
11-09-2020 Franck Gaudichaud 11 settembre
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17-09-2020 Jeremy Corbyn Jeremy Corbyn: What I Learned From Salvador Allende’s Chile
20-09-2020 Harry Taylor Victor Grayson: Britain’s Lost Revolutionary
22-09-2020 Ferdinando Leonzio La lega dei socialisti
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26-09-2020 Benjamin Talton Why Kwame Nkrumah’s Socialist, Pan-African Vision Continues to Inspire Radicals Today
28-09-2020 Marcello Musto The First International Is Still Relevant Today
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29-09-2020 Kirsten Swinth What Ruth Bader Ginsburg Learned From Swedish Social Democracy
30-09-2020 Laura Pennacchi Un commento a Nancy Fraser
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1-10-2020 Marcello Musto La lezione della Prima Internazionale
1-10-2020 Matt Myers Shapurji Saklatvala: Labour’s First MP of Colour
2-10-2020 Valerio Strinati Gianni Bosio editore di Pietro Nenni
2-10-2020 Dana Mills The Young Rosa Luxemburg
Rosa Luxemburg's socialism was shaped by a deep internationalism, much of which she imbibed from her Jewish upbringing in what was then known as 'Russian Poland.'
6-10-2020 Roberta Lexier The Regina Manifesto and the Origins of Canada’s Parliamentary Socialists
Canada’s Co-operative Commonwealth Federation, forerunner of today’s New Democratic Party, may have been less militant than some of its contemporary rivals. But its founding document is a powerful call to arms — and present-day socialists could learn from its boldness.
12-10-2020 William Smaldone For Rudolf Hilferding, Socialism Was About Freedom
Austrian socialist Rudolf Hilferding, author of the magisterial Finance Capitalism, used the tools of Marxism to develop a rigorous understanding of the changing capitalist economy while making the case for a socialism that put freedom and democracy at the center of the project.
14-10-2020 Matt Mcmanus What Karl Marx Really Thought About Liberalism
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16-10-2020   After Barbarism: Rosa Luxemburg’s Revolutionary Life
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17-10-2020 Ben Lewis Karl Kautsky Was Once a Revolutionary
Lenin’s famous denunciation of Karl Kautsky as a “renegade” has long discouraged Marxists from actually engaging with the German-Austrian socialist’s writings. But if the Bolshevik leader sharply criticized Kautsky’s retreats, this was also because of his great admiration for his earlier work — a revolutionary Marxism that lay decisive stress on the battle for democracy.
La Commune de Paris: regards d’aujourd’hui
21-10-2020 Marcello Mustè Ancora Gramsci: vita e pensiero in una nuova edizione delle lettere
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21-10-2020   Filippo Turati, Carlo Silvestri: carteggio e scritti 1922-1923
Inventario a cura di Lucia R. Petese
26-10-2020 Raffaele Tedesco La storia di Mondoperaio vista dallo storico Giovanni Scirocco
Recensione al testo di Giovanni Scirocco “Una rivista per il socialismo. Mondo Operaio 1957-1969”, Carocci editore, Roma, 2019.
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Gouverner à gauche : entre conquête et exercice du pouvoir ? Cent ans après le congrès de Tours
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30-10-2020 Frank-Olivier Socialisme et relations internationals
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4-11-2020 Domenico Mario Nuti The Rise and Fall of Socialism
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19-10-2020 Giulio Pignatti “Marx e il conflitto” di Gennaro Imbriano
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9-11-2020   E Gianni Bosio disse
9-11-2020   Sylos Labini su Marx: implicazioni per la politica economica
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Jean-François Merle
60ème anniversaire du PSU
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PSU 60 ans from Institut Tribune Socialiste on Vimeo.

20-11-2020   Completati i lavori di inventariazione del Fondo Giuseppe Tamburrano
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25-11-2020   Documenti confermano ruolo USA nel Golpe contro Allende
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26-11-2020 Alexander Behrens Friedrich Engels, the underestimated
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28-11-2020 Michael Roberts Happy Birthday, Friedrich Engels
28-11-2020 John Bellamy Foster Il ritorno di Engels
28-11-2020 Jean-Numa Ducange Friedrich Engels’s Revolutionary Republicanism
28-11-2020 Marcello Musto Friedrich Engels Was More Than Second Fiddle to Karl Marx
28-11-2020 Peter Schadt Friedrich Engels, a Thinker for Today
28-11-2020 Terrell Carver What Engels Gave To Marx and Marxism
2-12-2020 Lise Augot Le workers' republic et le socialisme républicain irlandais [1/2]
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3-12-2020 Fabio Chiabatti Marx e la cartina di tornasole dell’autoemancipazione
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12-04-2020 Benjamin Schacht How William Morris became a Socialist
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19-10-2019 Anjan Basu The Crusader as a Chronicler: Friedrich Engels and the Working Class in England
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5-12-2020 Lelio La Porta Friedrich Engels, l’attualità dialettica della natura
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Lo Statuto dei lavoratori compie cinquant'anni
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Convegno "Lo Statuto dei lavoratori compie cinquant'anni", registrato a venerdì 4 dicembre 2020 alle 10:16.
L'evento è stato organizzato da Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.

9-12-2020 Lise Augot Le Workers’ Republic et le socialisme républicain irlandais [2/2]
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Cent ans après le Congrès de Tours, il faut relire Léon Blum
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3-12-2020 Virgile Cirefice La SFIO et la scission du socialisme italien de 1947
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14-12-2020 Carlo Clericetti Lo Statuto e la sinistra che si è persa
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24-12-2020 Tony Benn Tony Benn on Revolutionary Christianity
On Christmas Day, we republish Tony Benn's classic lecture on the revolutionary social imperative of Christian teachings.
24-12-2020 Vivek Chibber Un costruttore di istituzioni della classe operaia
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27-12-2020 Benjamin Schacht The Socialism of William Morris
William Morris is most famous for his iconic patterns, but a new collection of his writings shows the other passion of his life: a conviction that only the overthrow of capitalism could liberate humanity.
28-12-2020 Luana Maria Alagna L’Union de la Gauche (1972-1978) nella “strettoia dell’Arcipelago”
Il risvolto politico dell’antitotalitarismo. Scienza & Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine, 32(63), 227-249.
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30-12-2020 Mitchell Cohen Irving Howe: A Socialist Life
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